Gospel Shaped Family

A gathering for Parents, Grandparents, Pastors & Ministry Leaders to be equipped to shape the next generation with the gospel, give them a biblical view of life, and help them develop a deep, lasting, and culture-transforming faith.

What is Shaping Your Family Today

For many young people, the primary shaping influences are culture, media, education, and peers and often the unbiblical messages imbedded in these influences go undetected for long seasons allowing doubt, confusion, and disbelief to grow. Learn how to shape your family through a Christ-centered marriage, biblical parenting and grandparenting, and a Scripture-saturated home.

The Gospel Shaped Family conference is designed to equip families to raise children and grandchildren with a deep, lasting, culture-transforming faith. God designed families to shape the next generation with the gospel, give them a biblical view of life, and be the primary means to help children and grandchildren mature in Christ.

  • Learn to apply the gospel to your marriage, parenting, and grandparenting.
  • Build confidence to have key conversations with your family about critical topics from a biblical perspective.
  • Receive resources to help you teach the core truths of the Christian faith.
  • Learn practical ways you can replace culture’s influence with biblical truth.
  • Glean ideas to help your children or grandchildren mature in faith.
  • Interact with a talented lineup of pastors, speakers, and family ministry experts.
  • Learn how to lead family devotions.
  • Connect with other parents and grandparents for encouragement and support.
  • Gain vision to be an intentional parent or grandparent and impact the faith of your family for eternity.
How Does the Gospel Help Solve our Marriage Struggles?

The gospel is full of life-giving hope and life-changing help as we face struggles in our marriages. Rather than feeling hopeless and helpless in seeing our spouse’s failures – and our own, our eyes are drawn to the limitless, unfailing love that God has for us through Jesus Christ. We already are loved by God, and therefore we are able to love our spouses on our best days and on our worst days. We’ll explore practical applications in marriage to this memorable verse: “We love because He first loved us.”

Compassionate Gospel Parenting

Nothing encourages our children in the midst of their failures more than a forgiving, compassionate, loving response from mom or dad. But finding grace for such a response in the midst of a conflict is easier said than done. Most of us parents thought we were patient, until God dropped a few kids into our lives to show us how impatient we can be. It is in remembering God’s compassionate and forgiving response to us that the grace we need is found. God isn’t up in heaven shaking his fist at our parenting failures, he is actively cheering us on. Instead of holding his example over our heads, he compares his love and compassion to the way dads here on earth love their kids. Find fresh grace for your parenting as we explore the message of Psalm 103 – a treasure trove of encouragement for parents and message of grace for the soul.

Grandparents: Building a Gospel Legacy Worth Outliving You

One of the most overlooked source of spiritual influence in children’s lives is a grandparent. How do we recapture the Biblical mandate for grandparents in our day and move beyond being “good” grandparents to intentional Gospel-shaped grandparents who leave a legacy worth outliving them for generations to come?

Typical Schedule


6:30pm Doors open – Registration
7:00pm Welcome & Worship
7:15pm Kickoff: State of the Family
7:45pm Session 1
8:45pm Session Ends


8:30am Doors open – Resource Area
9:00am Worship
9:15am Session 2
10:00am Breakout 1
11:00am Session 3
11:45am Breakout 2
12:30pm Wrap Up and Blessing
12:45pm Conference ends

Some of Our Speakers

Cavin Harper

Cavin Harper

Larry McCall

Larry McCall

Sherry Schumann

Sherry Schumann

Marty Machowski

Marty Machowski