Parenting Seminar Opportunities

Tools for Building A Great Family
Great families are not automatic in our world of shifting values and priorities. They are the result of deliberate intention, determination, and the practice of certain habits which produce strength in the home. This lively and realistic seminar will give you the indispensable tools needed for building the healthy relationships you long for.
- Discover a blueprint for building a great family.
- Learn what makes the difference between sinking families and stable ones.
- Learn loving and effective methods for disciplining your children.
- In a supportive setting, find encouragement and hope for the real-life challenges of raising children.
- Discover how to build up family members rather than tearing them down.
- Find out how healthy parenting skills can be a blessing to your children.
- Determine whether your home environment is helping or hindering the process of passing the baton of faith to your children.
Any family – traditional, blended, single-parent, or married couple – can use these tools that lead to a stronger home.
Session Topics:
- Tools for Effective Communication
- A Strong Spiritual Foundation
- Love, Time, and a Place of Refuge
- How to Parent Without Yelling

P/elements from 4Gens
This is an overview of training for a Parent (Grandparent, Guardian, Foster Care, Relative), to meet with a child for the expressed purpose of passing on a foundation and framework of faith in Jesus Christ to their 7 to 14 year old youth. This approach utilizes Discovery Learning combined with small groups. The members of the group participate in the group and then meet with their youth during the week, and then come back into the group the following week.
- To equip and encourage parents to meet weekly with their youth and help the youth to discover faith and live the life of faith by discovering it on their own.
- This training also equips the parent to be able to deal with the societal issues that their youth may be encountering.
- The goal of the training is to facilitate finding a love and commitment to Christ. It also gives the youth Biblical training on how to live out this faith.
- Finally, the training provides a structure for the youth to assimilate and organize the Biblical training and spiritual concepts they will inevitably hear.