Family Seminars
Raising a family in today’s environment can be challenging, especially with the constant shift in cultural beliefs and increasing promiscuity. At Family Builders Ministries, we understand the importance of building a solid foundation for your family and teaching biblical principles that shape your family culture. Our resources provide the guidance you need to navigate these complexities and establish a strong foundation for healthy families.

Gospel Shaped Family
What is Shaping Your Family Today
For many young people, the primary shaping influences are culture, media, education, and peers and often the unbiblical messages imbedded in these influences go undetected for long seasons allowing doubt, confusion, and disbelief to grow. Learn how to shape your family through a Christ-centered marriage, biblical parenting and grandparenting, and a Scripture-saturated home.

Biblical Sexuality
As more confusion abounds on sexuality and gender, the Raising Children in a Sexally Charged Culture conference powerfully articulates that God’s truth is crystal clear, not gray. What topic could be more pressing for individuals and churches to address in today’s culture? The Biblical view of sexuality is under attack and God’s creational norms are being rejected. The despair of individuals, the destruction of the family, and the demise of society are its bitter fruit. Really, this assault is directed at the Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. How necessary it is to restore a healthy, Biblical view of sexuality in this revolutionary age!