Biblical Sexuality
Raising Children in a Sexually Charged Culture
As more confusion abounds on sexuality and gender, the Raising Children in a Sexally Charged Culture conference powerfully articulates that God’s truth is crystal clear, not gray. What topic could be more pressing for individuals and churches to address in today’s culture? The Biblical view of sexuality is under attack and God’s creational norms are being rejected. The despair of individuals, the destruction of the family, and the demise of society are its bitter fruit. Really, this assault is directed at the Word of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. How necessary it is to restore a healthy, Biblical view of sexuality in this revolutionary age!
Our Raising Children in a Sexually Charged Culture Conference addresses the topic of sexuality through the lens of the Scriptures. The main sessions examine this topic theologically and apply the Biblical worldview practically. At the same time, we are raising awareness of the cultural revolution that has been underway in the West and the current cultural, political, and legal context here in the United States. Various topics from multiple viewpoints will be considered in the break-out sessions that are relevant to individuals, families, and churches today. Though we approach these issues realistically, considering the depths of our human depravity, we especially approach this with gospel hope, in and through the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Parents/Grandparents of children of all ages will find this conference enlightening and they’ll take an honest look at our sexually charged culture and what they can do about it. The culture our kids/grandkids are growing up in can be overwhelming and demoralizing or it can inspire us to with great determination to reclaim our children’s youth and purity for God’s glory – register today!
At A Glance
- How does the gospel (sin, repentance, and redemption) shape our understanding of sexuality?
- Does the Bible really prohibit same- sex, monogamous marriage?
- Can someone be born into the wrong body?
- Is gender identity and expression fluid or stable?
- How can Christians better engage with our loved ones and friends in the LGB community without any compromise of truth or grace?
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